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Chemistry Tutors

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    40 Chemistry tutors available near me

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  • 🔒 All tutors are Enhanced DBS checked and ID verified
  • 💸 Lessons from £15 /hr

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We have a total of 40 Chemistry tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online Chemistry tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local Chemistry teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect Chemistry tutor today!

40 Chemistry Tutors

Business, Chemistry, English, Maths and Physics (Primary 4 to 6, Secondary 4 to 5, Primary 1 to 3, Secondary 1 to 3 and University)
/ hr
I am a happy, energetic person who wants to make the world a better place one student at a time. I`m passionate about education and have a deep respect for students ti...
Teck Ghee, North East
Home only
Member for
7 years
Chemistry, Cooking, English and Nutrition (Nursery to KG, Primary 4 to 6 and Primary 1 to 3)
/ hr
Passionate, committed teacher Entertainer and ambiverted
10 miles
Member for
5 years
Chemistry and General Science (Secondary 1 to 3 and Secondary 4 to 5)
$43.75 - $50
/ hr
Preference to specialize in teaching sciences and/or secondary 3/4 pure chemistry and combined sciences; chemistry option rather than other subjects (A & E Mathema...
12 miles
Member for
5 years
Chemistry (JC 1 to 2, Secondary 4 to 5 and Secondary 1 to 3)
$31.25 - $56.25
/ hr
Knowledgeable in the field of science, due to my research background, alongside with my past tutoring experience, I am able to provide a suitable environment for stude...
10 miles
Member for
5 years
Chemistry (A Level and IB Level)
/ hr
Ib dp chemistry
10 miles
Member for
5 years
Chemistry (Nursery to KG, Adult Learner, Primary 4 to 6, Secondary 4 to 5, Primary 1 to 3, O Level and Secondary 1 to 3)
$12 - $14
/ hr
Highly motivated person willing to develope a career in tutoring.
Home only
Member for
5 years
Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics (Primary 4 to 6, Primary 1 to 3 and Secondary 1 to 3)
$14 - $31.25
/ hr
Hi, I have completed my British CIE A levels and currently waiting for my university courses to begin. I offer math, science and english lessons up until lower second...
Marymount, Central
15 miles
Member for
5 years
Chemistry, Maths and Physics (A Level, IB Level and Secondary 4 to 5)
$25 - $37.5
/ hr
Holder of a Master degree in Environmental Engineering,Young researcher and passionate educator. Available for tutoring in Mathematics,Physics,ESS and Chemistry.
Home only
Member for
5 years
Chemistry (Primary 1 to 3, Adult Learner, Secondary 1 to 3, A Level, University, Primary 4 to 6, O Level and Secondary 4 to 5)
$14 - $31.25
/ hr
I have HND in science laboratory technology, and a PGD in industrial chemistry. J have been teaching science subjects chemistry in particular, for the past nine year...
10 miles
Member for
5 years
Chemistry and Maths (Primary 4 to 6, Secondary 4 to 5, Secondary 1 to 3 and JC 1 to 2)
$25 - $50
/ hr
Enjoy doing Math & Chem, so I`ve a good foundation and understanding in them. As such I would be able to find different ways to get the idea across
10 miles
Member for
5 years
Chemistry (Secondary 4 to 5)
/ hr
I am old enough as 56 years old but young at heart and knowledgeable and both a learner and educator. I am a team player and loves to impart the talent and skills I ha...
50 miles
Member for
4 years
Chemistry (University)
/ hr
My name is Muhammad. I am a pharmacist and I obtained my PhD from Swinburne Uni. In my PhD and MSC, I have employed Physical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Organi...
20 miles
Member for
5 years
Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Maths and Sociology (Primary 4 to 6, Secondary 4 to 5, Primary 1 to 3 and Secondary 1 to 3)
$31.25 - $37.5
/ hr
I am an Economics Graduate. My passion is Teaching and I`d like to Tutor.
East Coast, East
10 miles
Member for
5 years
Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics (Primary 4 to 6, JC 1 to 2, Secondary 4 to 5 and Secondary 1 to 3)
/ hr
*ONLINE ONLY* Meet Charlie, an experienced and dedicated tutor specialising in preparing students for entrance exams, KS3, GCSE, and A-levels in mathematics and sc...
Tanglin, Central
Home only
Member for
6 months
Karimatu Aini
Chemistry and Maths (Secondary 1 to 3 and Secondary 4 to 5)
$37.5 - $50
/ hr
A very patient tutor who sees potential in every child.
1 miles
Member for
5 years
Chemistry (IB Level and JC 1 to 2)
/ hr
Post graduate in Applied Chemistry and B.Ed degree
2 miles
Member for
4 years
Biology, Chemistry and Maths (Secondary 4 to 5, Secondary 1 to 3 and JC 1 to 2)
$25 - $31.25
/ hr
Hi, I like to teach students biology at the `O` level because I`m very interested to hear students` opinions and their own point of views towards the subject itself. H...
One-north, Central
8 miles
Member for
5 years
Chemistry (Secondary 1 to 3, A Level, JC 1 to 2, IB Level, Secondary 4 to 5 and O Level)
$37.5 - $62.5
/ hr
I am a recent graduate from University College London (Ranked 10th in QS world ranking) with a MSc in Pharmaceutical Formulation and Entrepreneurship (Distinction, Dea...
Holland Village, Central
5 miles
Member for
5 years
Chemistry and Maths (University, O Level, Adult Learner and A Level)
/ hr
I am a Chemical Engineering graduate with over 3 years of tutoring experience. I love teaching math, basic science and Chemistry subjects. My classes are designed to s...
Home only
Member for
5 years
Swee Kwang
Biology and Chemistry (O Level, Primary 4 to 6, Secondary 4 to 5, Primary 1 to 3 and Secondary 1 to 3)
/ hr
Only able to teach Chemistry, Biology and Sci(Phy, Chem and Bio). Undergraduate from NTU studying biological sciences minor in chemistry and biology chemistry. O...
Ang Mo Kio, North
15 miles
Member for
5 years

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Lashae 2016/02/13