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We have a total of 22 Economics tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online Economics tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local Economics teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect Economics tutor today!
22 Economics Tutors
Business, Civil Engineering, Communication Skills, Creative Writing, Design & Technology, Economics,... (University, O Level, JC 1 to 2, A Level, Adult Learner, Secondary 4 to 5 and IB Level)
$81.25 - $112.5
/ hr
â˜Aguria is an enthusiastic and experienced teacher, who conducts thought-provoking writing workshops. He graduated from NUS in Engineering, scored in top 2 perc...
Clementi, West
Accountancy, Cricket, Economics, English, Football and IELTS (Adult Learner, A Level, University and O Level)
/ hr
Master of Accounting with distinction
Economics and Religious Studies (Secondary 1 to 3, University, Primary 4 to 6, A Level, Secondary 4 to 5, Primary 1 to 3 and Adult Learner)
$11 - $16
/ hr
My name is Esendege Mark Cloud Elad. I am a holder of a barchelors degree in Management from the University of Buea. I have gotten a lot of experience and education in...
Behavioral Economics graduate with strong analytical and critical thinking skills and a solid background in qualitative methods.
 Iâ™m a Master of Economics graduate from Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University with strong skills in Macroeconomics including Fina...
Accountancy, Economics and English (IB Level, Secondary 1 to 3, O Level, A Level and Secondary 4 to 5)
/ hr
Am a passionate teacher, energetic and calm. Am a holder of Bachelor`s of science in Business Administration with a concentration in Banking and Finance. Learning is...
I am working as an Economist at a rating agency and completed my PhD in Economics in 2018.
I have taught Economics and Business Studies at both GCSE and A-Level for 23 years within the state sector, holding a range of positions: Head of Department, Head of S...
Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Maths and Sociology (Secondary 4 to 5, Primary 1 to 3, University, Secondary 1 to 3, JC 1 to 2 and Primary 4 to 6)
$31.25 - $50
/ hr
I am an Economics Graduate. My passion is Teaching and I`d like to Tutor.
East Coast, East
I have a BSc degree in economics and financial engineering at the university of Yaounde II,Soa and a reach experience as a teacher and tutor of economics and commerce...
Bachelors in economics
And have been working as home tutor for 3 years
East Coast, East
I am bilingual- fluent in English, French and Mauritian Creole. I am a national ranker in Economics(10th) and Accounting( 7th) in Mauritius for Cambridge A level Inter...
Commonwealth, Central
Recent finance graduate from Montreal, Canada.
I am an MBA with Four of teaching experience I would like to continue to develop my teaching skills while creating a challenging and fun learning environment for stud...
A NIE-Trained (MA, Educational Management) tutor with more than 10 years of inciting the feeling of discovery by leveraging on strong corporate experiences with presti...
I graduated with an Economics degree from the National University of Singapore, now working as an economist at a research house.
Bukit Ho Swee, Central
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13