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Here you can browse our Kallang Basin Tutors, we have ordered our results by tutors in Kallang Basin closest to the town centre first. To view any tutor profile, you can click on the 'display profile' link. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you are seeking private tuition from other locations, please use our search box above. Start searching for your perfect Kallang Basin tutor today!
Learning a language is fun, and I will not settle for anything less. 1 year experience tutoring English and French as a foreign language, as well as German Literature...
Singapore, (0.3 miles from centre)
Tutor of the Year" and was certified with the Association of the Tutoring Profession. I was also a Teaching Assistant for Organic Chemistry for 3 years. As a pri...
Lake Worth, OutsideUK (0.6 miles from centre)
My name is Zoe, I am 23 years old and I live in Greece. I have a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and I would love to be a tutor.
Livadia, (0.6 miles from centre)
Law graduate
Singapore, (0.7 miles from centre)
8 years as Full- Time Tutor. Writing and publishing eBooks. 1 year++ f&b manager. 1year++Sales experience. Practising social media marketing,learning Wordpress now,con...
Singapore, (0.8 miles from centre)
12, in classroom and 1- to- 1 settings, in phonics, reading, conversation, grammar, vocabulary- building, creative writing and more. I provide academic support, homewo...
Singapore, (0.8 miles from centre)
Iâ™m Master of Business Administration graduate and my fashion is Marketing.
Singapore, (0.9 miles from centre)
i came from india. I finished D.T.Ed.,(Diploma In Teacher Education. I worked tamil teacher in chennai. I finished B.A.(English). But i know only little english.
(0.9 miles from centre)
Iâ™m a university professor teaching economics and at the same time a business practicioner.
Malolos City, (1 miles from centre)
I am patient, time conscious, adaptable, and i have a happy disposition. These i believe are the attributes that made me an efficient teacher. 2008 to 2012 Korean stu...
Singapore, (1 miles from centre)
I speak english and french fluently , i can give french or arabic courses
Tunis, (1.1 miles from centre)
I am simple man. I have work very care fully.
Rajkot, (1.2 miles from centre)
I have a passion on teaching.
Singapore, (1.2 miles from centre)
Bilingual UK-trained lawyer with a passion for English and literature. Also able to teach science and Chinese.
Singapore, (1.3 miles from centre)
Ex -secondary school teacher
Over20 years teaching /tutoring experience
Singapore, (1.3 miles from centre)
I am a CPA, CIA and CSAc, have 11 years of audit and accounting experience. My passion is to teach and be able to pass on my knowledge and experience in accounting and...
Gapan, (1.4 miles from centre)
Im a CPA in the Philippines graduated as well with Masteral Degress in Accountancy major in Internal Auditing
Singapore, (1.4 miles from centre)
I am free minded person. I am always try to use simple way to describe subjects.
Dakor, (1.4 miles from centre)
My native languages are Ukrainian and Russian. I am fluent in English, German and Spanish. I have been teaching Russian and German for more than 5 years and have work...
Singapore, (1.4 miles from centre)
Hi! My name is Arturo and I come from Spain. I work as a Market Analyst in Singapore and I love languages.
I got my CPE in October 2015 and I`ve been informally tea...
Singapore, (1.5 miles from centre)