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Here you can browse our Marina East Tutors, we have ordered our results by tutors in Marina East closest to the town centre first. To view any tutor profile, you can click on the 'display profile' link. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you are seeking private tuition from other locations, please use our search box above. Start searching for your perfect Marina East tutor today!
Teachers have been a fundamental part of who I am today, and I take special care when imparting knowledge on others, trying my best to leave a meaningful mark in each...
Singapore, (6.5 miles from centre)
I am a very patient and loving teacher. Very knowledgeable to answer questions and friendly enough to clear doubts.
I have a English proficiency merit certificate f...
Kempangan, (3.5 miles from centre)
Java Programming: $50 per hour My experience in tutoring comes from teaching a range of primary, secondary and JC students various subjects, including Math, Geography...
Singapore, (3.6 miles from centre)
Furthermore, I enjoy teaching and sharing this passion with others. Industrial Experience: > > Carried out computational research with Cambridge Universityâ...
Singapore, (6.6 miles from centre)
Graduate as Manufacturing and Organization Engineer from a German university in Dresden. I have solid technical bases of project and business management.
Dubai, (6.6 miles from centre)
I am open to any forms of learning from different students and I`ll definitely be able to maximise your potential in the most efficient way to help you attain your des...
Singapore, (6.6 miles from centre)
Masters degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Singapore, (6.6 miles from centre)
I am a freelance English Skype Instructor for foreign employee s and am also an individual private tutor for kids age 4-12
I am in the midst of doing my TESOL and hav...
Singapore, (3.6 miles from centre)
Experience senior accounts in an oil and gas company
Tampines, (6.7 miles from centre)
Tutoring in Mathematics(different levels) Primary levels: 10 year Lower Secondary levels: 20 years O- level and A- level: 25 years Diploma levels: 8 years Teaching in...
Singapore, (6.7 miles from centre)
Interested in tutoring violin. I would like to teach grades 1-6 only.
Singapore, (3.7 miles from centre)
I have just completed my masters in Architecture and have worked in field as an Architect fir five years
Singapore, (6.7 miles from centre)
Math Home Tutor
Singapore, (6.7 miles from centre)
Experienced ex-MOE teacher specializing in teaching Math at these levels:
- Secondary
- SAT1
- SAT2
- AP
Singapore, (6.7 miles from centre)
I am a retired Principles of Accounts teacher teacher O and N levels syllabus
Singapore, (3.8 miles from centre)
Fluent in English, French, good conversation in Mandarin
Singapore, (3.8 miles from centre)
Economics is such a subject. Once a student learns to observe the world using economics, it reveals many of the underlying reasons behind world events. Student testim...
Singapore, (3.8 miles from centre)
One day, I might want to pursue a career in NIE and be a Primary School Teacher with MOE. I have been giving primary school kids tuition since I was 17 years old. Now...
Singapore, (6.8 miles from centre)
Programming Methodology 2. CS1231 - Discrete Structures 3. CS2040 - Data Structures and Algorithms Do feel free to contact me on Whatsapp at 8716 9688, or drop me an e...
Singapore, (6.8 miles from centre)
For a start, i would like to start with Primary School level. Tutor - University days for 3 years IBM Singapore Pte Ltd - accounts payable, customer service representa...
Singapore, (6.9 miles from centre)