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Here you can browse our Tanjong Pagar Tutors, we have ordered our results by tutors in Tanjong Pagar closest to the town centre first. To view any tutor profile, you can click on the 'display profile' link. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you are seeking private tuition from other locations, please use our search box above. Start searching for your perfect Tanjong Pagar tutor today!
5 years experience in Teaching tuition. Familiar with primary and secondary syllabus.
Singapore, (2.1 miles from centre)
I have master degree in Mathematics and experience of 9 yrs in teaching.
Currently, I am teaching IB diploma, GCE, A- level in singapore .
Here I am full time teache...
Singapore, (2.1 miles from centre)
layered communication and the beauty of language. I graduated from Goldsmiths College, University of London with a BA (Hons. ) majoring in English Literature. I have a...
Singapore, (2.1 miles from centre)
I have tutored on- off since my uni years and thoroughly enjoyed the process. Some of my other experience includes sales, training, management and relationship buildin...
Singapore, (2.2 miles from centre)
. . . I am french from Paris. I`ve been in Singapore since 2years. Highly Dynamic RelationShip, Event and Communication Manager, with over 7 years experience in Fashio...
Singapore, (2.2 miles from centre)
25 years ago, l taught my ex. v basic accounting concepts when he was studying for Diploma in computer studies. He managed to get A or B when he had no interest in the...
Telok Blangah Heights, (2.4 miles from centre)
I speak english and french fluently , i can give french or arabic courses
Tunis, (2.5 miles from centre)
International Affairs BA
Taipei, (2.7 miles from centre)
Experienced UK qualified Teacher and assistant examiner for IBDP ( maths studies) and IGCSE
Singapore, (2.8 miles from centre)
i came from india. I finished D.T.Ed.,(Diploma In Teacher Education. I worked tamil teacher in chennai. I finished B.A.(English). But i know only little english.
(2.9 miles from centre)
Specialised in International GCSE (IGCSE) Edexcel - EXAMINER for them Worked with TOP uk schools including ETON, Dulwitch, Tiffin and King`s College School (wimbledon)...
Tanglin, (2.9 miles from centre)
Tutor of the Year" and was certified with the Association of the Tutoring Profession. I was also a Teaching Assistant for Organic Chemistry for 3 years. As a pri...
Lake Worth, OutsideUK (3 miles from centre)
Waiting for Uni - NUS Economics
Singapore, (3 miles from centre)
I have also work for the largest educational hub in the world for the past 9 years prior to relocating- Pearson Institute of Higher Education 9 years in education Imme...
Limnos, (3 miles from centre)
Iâ™m a university professor teaching economics and at the same time a business practicioner.
Malolos City, (3 miles from centre)
I am professional with full time job. Tuition job is just part time
Singapore, (3 miles from centre)
Iâ™m Master of Business Administration graduate and my fashion is Marketing.
Singapore, (3.1 miles from centre)
I have a passion on teaching.
Singapore, (3.1 miles from centre)
Law graduate
Singapore, (3.1 miles from centre)
Based on students` needs, I utilise various educational materials and tools to make each lesson different. Often, my lessons are a mix of fun and serious. I have exper...
Singapore, (3.2 miles from centre)