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We have a total of 4 EFL tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online EFL tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local EFL teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect EFL tutor today!
4 EFL Tutors
EFL and Spanish (Primary 1 to 3, IB Level, University, Secondary 1 to 3, Nursery to KG, O Level, JC 1 to 2, Primary 4 to 6, A Level, Adult Learner and Secondary 4 to 5)
/ hr
I am a mexican woman who loves teaching and learning. I love to work with children, and I am quite flexible with teaching techniques. I enjoy teaching grammar, science...
Communication Skills, EFL, English, Home Economics, Maths, Presentation and Sociology (Secondary 4 to 5, Primary 1 to 3, IB Level, University, Secondary 1 to 3, Nursery to KG, O Level, JC 1 to 2, Primary 4 to 6, A Level and Adult Learner)
$31.25 - $50
/ hr
Professional and License Teacher with more than 11 years teaching experience in both Primary and Secondary Level.
Graduated with degrees in BS, MA and PhD in Educati...
West Coast, West
EFL (Adult Learner, Secondary 4 to 5, University, Secondary 1 to 3 and JC 1 to 2)
$14 - $16
/ hr
Willing to work with all age ranges and flexible with either travelling to a convinient for both ends location or delivering classes at home
EFL (Primary 4 to 6, A Level, Adult Learner, Secondary 4 to 5, IB Level, Primary 1 to 3, University, Secondary 1 to 3, O Level, Nursery to KG and JC 1 to 2)
$14 - $31.25
/ hr
I have been involved in a volunteer education work for a number of years as well as a training course of how to be an effective teacher. Through this experience and ed...
Tanah Merah, East
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13