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Here you can browse our Marine Parade Tutors, we have ordered our results by tutors in Marine Parade closest to the town centre first. To view any tutor profile, you can click on the 'display profile' link. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you are seeking private tuition from other locations, please use our search box above. Start searching for your perfect Marine Parade tutor today!
I have master degree in Mathematics and experience of 9 yrs in teaching.
Currently, I am teaching IB diploma, GCE, A- level in singapore .
Here I am full time teache...
Singapore, (3.2 miles from centre)
Law graduate
Singapore, (3.2 miles from centre)
My name is Zoe, I am 23 years old and I live in Greece. I have a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and I would love to be a tutor.
Livadia, (3.2 miles from centre)
i came from india. I finished D.T.Ed.,(Diploma In Teacher Education. I worked tamil teacher in chennai. I finished B.A.(English). But i know only little english.
(3.2 miles from centre)
After building a career in teaching and studying languages, I have built an extensive skill set that allows me deliver engaging lessons, rigorous classroom management,...
Singapore, (3.2 miles from centre)
I look forward to learning with my students! - Tutored multiple students in Secondary English and Mathematics for 2 years - NUS Merit Scholar - Hwa Chong Diploma recip...
Singapore, (3.2 miles from centre)
My native languages are Ukrainian and Russian. I am fluent in English, German and Spanish. I have been teaching Russian and German for more than 5 years and have work...
Singapore, (3.4 miles from centre)
Iâ™m a university professor teaching economics and at the same time a business practicioner.
Malolos City, (3.4 miles from centre)
3 years Primary School English tuition teaching experience, 2 years A Level GP teaching experience
(0.5 miles from centre)
I was responsible for providing programs designed to improve academic performance, health and wellness, self- confidence, character and attitudes for success in life....
(3.6 miles from centre)
Thank you ! 4 years of experience in teaching as a secondary school teacher. 3 years of experience as a centre co- ordinator for an educational institute. Also have ex...
Singapore, (0.6 miles from centre)
good command of the English language, also popular language. Pleasant and dynamic classes Good academic practices I have time to support these activities either at hom...
Singapore, (3.6 miles from centre)
I tailored activities to maintain the interest of high- level students without intimidating less skilled German speakers. I work with DaF Material and exam books from...
Singapore, (3.6 miles from centre)
In addition to neurobiological research, I have an overwhelming passion for Classical Civilization, and have served as museum tour guides, given presentations througho...
Singapore, (3.6 miles from centre)
An Asian who has worked and studied in Germany and Switzerland for 12 years with remarkable German language fluency. Referral available.
Singapore, (3.7 miles from centre)
French mom, marketing manager on professional side. Living in singapore for 3 years.
Happy to become a tutor for the ones who want to learn french!
Singapore, (3.7 miles from centre)
- step by step teaching, school and homework guidance, teaching vocabulary and how to use it in composition. Help students in oral and comprehension as well. - Every w...
Singapore, (3.8 miles from centre)
MBA (2001) with Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from NUS (1989).
Singapore, (3.8 miles from centre)
About 5-year English Teaching experience.
Singapore, (3.8 miles from centre)
Passionate, confident, considerate and patient.
Singapore, (3.8 miles from centre)
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