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Here you can browse our Yishun Tutors, we have ordered our results by tutors in Yishun closest to the town centre first. To view any tutor profile, you can click on the 'display profile' link. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you are seeking private tuition from other locations, please use our search box above. Start searching for your perfect Yishun tutor today!
I am comfortable teaching mathematics, science and English for Primary kids only. History for secondary school kids. I have around two years of tutoring (Freelance) Im...
Singapore, (0.1 miles from centre)
Currently a post grad student. Hope to improve the knowledge of students.
Singapore, (0.2 miles from centre)
I am hardworking
Singapore, (0.2 miles from centre)
Hi there,
I`m Jeannie and I have been working in digital Marketing for around 1 year. I`ve recently came back from Brisbane for 4 years and I absolutely love teaching...
Singapore, (0.4 miles from centre)
I am a Mass Comm degree graduate from MDIS (OCU). I like to teach students and let them learn easily.
S`pore, (0.6 miles from centre)
Have 16years experience in full time teaching with pre-schoolers and students / adults for oraL,written ENGLISH. Very effective lesson plans as I have taught enrichmen...
Singapore, (0.9 miles from centre)
Hi..this is Nidhi..I can teach French, English,Hindi..Thanks
Singapore, (1.3 miles from centre)
I enjoy tutoring students as its also an experience for me in growth. I would like to have this chance to tutor students :)
Singapore, (1.9 miles from centre)
Type: Full Time Tutor Tuition experience: 2 years experience, full time Highest education: BSc in business (professional accounting) Working experience: 9 years in the...
Singapore, (2.1 miles from centre)
Currently I am teaching in an International School following MOE Syllabus and have been promoted to be the Academic Year head for upper primary level. This provides th...
Singapore, (2.4 miles from centre)
(2.4 miles from centre)
i have a Bsc on chemistry
Adis, (2.6 miles from centre)
on- one or to a small group of people. In JC, I was likewise the first person for others to look for whenever they have queries in Geography. Most of my friends` grade...
Woodlands, (2.8 miles from centre)
This job seemed to be a perfect match. Looking forward to know more about this opportunity. 16 months as programming tutor 13 months as Software engineer Available By...
North West, (0.1 miles from centre)
As a tutor, I hope to pass down my knowledge and also provide tips and tricks to score better in an exam and I am confident that my materials provided will be helpful....
Singapore, (0.1 miles from centre)
I am meticulous and committed to my students. To the best of my abilities, I would impart whatever knowledge I have of the subjects to my tutee as long as it is helpfu...
Singapore, (3.1 miles from centre)
Patient, keep lessons interesting
Singapore, (3.1 miles from centre)
I wish to continue teaching about cultures, music, nature, languages in this case spanish is my native language. So I wish you to enroll with me to have wonderful les...
Cusco, (3.2 miles from centre)
Through component- specific targeted exercises, my lessons offer you the opportunity to master the principles of the subject on a deeper level, developing your confide...
Singapore, (3.3 miles from centre)
I love to work around with kids
Yishun, (0.4 miles from centre)