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We have a total of 5 German tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online German tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local German teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect German tutor today!
5 German Tutors
German (Primary 1 to 3, IB Level, University, Secondary 1 to 3, O Level, JC 1 to 2, Primary 4 to 6, A Level, Adult Learner and Secondary 4 to 5)
$75 - $100
/ hr
Hi, I am a corporate German language trainer with 10 years of experience. I have been teaching German to professionals across industries. Other than this I have also t...
Tanah Merah, East
German (Secondary 1 to 3, Primary 4 to 6, Secondary 4 to 5 and Primary 1 to 3)
$37.5 - $50
/ hr
Hi I am a native German, recently moved to Singapore, looking forward to helping you to become proficient in the German language.
River Valley, Central
Chinese, German, Maths and Physics (Primary 4 to 6, Primary 1 to 3 and Nursery to KG)
/ hr
An Asian who has worked and studied in Germany and Switzerland for 12 years with remarkable German language fluency. Referral available.
Telok Ayer, Central
German (Primary 4 to 6, A Level, Adult Learner, Secondary 4 to 5, Primary 1 to 3, IB Level, University, Secondary 1 to 3, Nursery to KG, O Level and JC 1 to 2)
$37.5 - $62.5
/ hr
I acknowledge and cherish that every student is different and learns in a different way. Rather than following a strict syllabus, I do my best to understand how the st...
Boon Keng, Central
German (O Level, Nursery to KG, JC 1 to 2, A Level, Primary 4 to 6, Adult Learner, Secondary 4 to 5, IB Level, Primary 1 to 3, University and Secondary 1 to 3)
$50 - $75
/ hr
I am a multidisciplinary engineering consulting professional, with 11 + years extensive international experience in developing and overseeing technically sophisticated...
River Valley, Central
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13