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Here you can browse our Marina East Tutors, we have ordered our results by tutors in Marina East closest to the town centre first. To view any tutor profile, you can click on the 'display profile' link. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you are seeking private tuition from other locations, please use our search box above. Start searching for your perfect Marina East tutor today!
A young graduate well motivated and ready to teach
Kumba, (2.9 miles from centre)
I have had experience teaching primary school students and lower secondary. I am experienced in teaching basic concepts of mathematics and sciences. I did volunteer wo...
Singapore, (2.9 miles from centre)
I was tour guide in Perú. I love to teach, and spanish is my native language.
Cusco, (2.9 miles from centre)
Iâ™m Riham 24 from Barcelona :)
Barcelona, (2.9 miles from centre)
8 years as Full- Time Tutor. Writing and publishing eBooks. 1 year++ f&b manager. 1year++Sales experience. Practising social media marketing,learning Wordpress now,con...
Singapore, (3 miles from centre)
10 years in English language. This was a full time position, conducting classes, conceptualizing lesson plans and introducing vocabulary, grammar and listening compreh...
Singapore, (3 miles from centre)
I am simple man. I have work very care fully.
Rajkot, (3 miles from centre)
I have tutored on- off since my uni years and thoroughly enjoyed the process. Some of my other experience includes sales, training, management and relationship buildin...
Singapore, (3.1 miles from centre)
Bilingual UK-trained lawyer with a passion for English and literature. Also able to teach science and Chinese.
Singapore, (3.1 miles from centre)
Degree in Mathematical Studies and completed Specialist Diploma in Business Analytics from Tamesak Polytechnic this year.
Singapore, (3.1 miles from centre)
I have also worked as a volunteer and leader at Khit Nady English Language School and at Daw Ma Ma Naing English speaking class Myanmar. I have certification in many c...
Singapore, (3.1 miles from centre)
Last year, i achieved 8 A*s and several math awards such as UKMT. I`m a passionate coder- I`ve developed several algorithms and a web application for several companies...
Singapore, (3.1 miles from centre)
I am an Economics Graduate. My passion is Teaching and I`d like to Tutor.
Singapore, (3.2 miles from centre)
I have more than 12 years of experience in the financial services and accounting industry. I have worked in a big four and a start up with aircraft leasing background....
Singapore, (3.3 miles from centre)
I am patient, attention to details and good listener
Singapore, (3.3 miles from centre)
French is my mother tongue, I have been working/ traveling in various environment, so communication, easy going personality is a strength. Learning by doing. I am fr...
Singapore, (3.3 miles from centre)
Assuming the role of a full- time Mentor and Professional Educator in Singapore in 2008, Sunita has taught in excess of 30,000 hours and successfully nurtured and supp...
Singapore, (0.5 miles from centre)
I have worked as a lecturer for post graduate(M. Sc) students for two years. I have as a scientific analyst at Molecular connections pvt ltd. . , Bangalore I am avalia...
Singapore, (0.7 miles from centre)
Ex -secondary school teacher
Over20 years teaching /tutoring experience
Singapore, (3.7 miles from centre)
I am a CPA, CIA and CSAc, have 11 years of audit and accounting experience. My passion is to teach and be able to pass on my knowledge and experience in accounting and...
Gapan, (3.7 miles from centre)