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We have a total of 15 Business tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online Business tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local Business teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect Business tutor today!
15 Business Tutors
Business, Chemistry, English, Maths and Physics (Primary 4 to 6, Secondary 4 to 5, Primary 1 to 3, Secondary 1 to 3 and University)
/ hr
I am a happy, energetic person who wants to make the world a better place one student at a time. I`m passionate about education and have a deep respect for students ti...
Teck Ghee, North East
Business, Civil Engineering, Communication Skills, Creative Writing, Design & Technology, Economics,... (O Level, JC 1 to 2, A Level, Adult Learner, Secondary 4 to 5, IB Level and University)
$81.25 - $93.75
/ hr
â˜Aguria is an enthusiastic and experienced teacher, who conducts thought-provoking writing workshops. He graduated from NUS in Engineering, scored in top 2 perc...
Clementi, West
Very passionate and hardworking tutor.
I have been teaching and tutoring children through college-age students for over 25 years. I have 2 masters degrees and home schooled 5 children.
Business, Business Skills and Career Development (University, O Level, JC 1 to 2 and Adult Learner)
$25 - $31.25
/ hr
On my stay at University and in my workplace I develop interpersonally and communication skills, both oral and written, looking for creative and innovative ways to per...
I am experienced, hard worker with great empathy. Love teaching and interacting with students of all ages.
Business and Life Coaching (Primary 4 to 6, Nursery to KG, Secondary 1 to 3 and Primary 1 to 3)
$25 - $43.75
/ hr
Hi there,
I`m Jeannie and I have been working in digital Marketing for around 1 year. I`ve recently came back from Brisbane for 4 years and I absolutely love teaching...
Yishun, North
I am an MBA with Four of teaching experience I would like to continue to develop my teaching skills while creating a challenging and fun learning environment for stud...
Accountancy, Banking & Finance, Business, Maths and Project Management (University)
/ hr
I am self-motivated, and generally keen on teaching various subjects. I have my own notes and slides for most of the lessons i teach and generally enjoy tranfering my...
Marketing Professional with 20+ years of experience with a leading FMCG, Entrepreneur, and Academic teacher in various universities all over Europe.
I have degree in...
Business (Adult Learner, Secondary 4 to 5, Primary 1 to 3, IB Level, University, Secondary 1 to 3, Nursery to KG, O Level, JC 1 to 2, Primary 4 to 6 and A Level)
$10.5 - $14.5
/ hr
I am a young enthusiastic Cameroonian with a never ending desire to share knowledge.
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13